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lapack.h File Reference

Definitions that provide access to LAPACK/BLAS fortran routines for internal library functions. More...

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namespace  scythe

The Scythe library namespace.


void scythe::lapack::make_symmetric (double *matrix, int rows)
void scythe::lapack::dgemm_ (char *transa, char *transb, const int *m, const int *n, const int *k, const double *alpha, const double *a, const int *lda, const double *b, const int *ldb, const double *beta, double *c, const int *ldc)
void scythe::lapack::dsyrk_ (const char *uplo, const char *trans, const int *n, const int *k, const double *alpha, const double *a, const int *lda, const double *beta, double *c, const int *ldc)
void scythe::lapack::dgetrf_ (const int *rows, const int *cols, double *a, const int *lda, int *ipiv, int *info)
void scythe::lapack::dgetri_ (const int *n, double *a, const int *lda, const int *ipiv, double *work, const int *lwork, int *info)
void scythe::lapack::dpotrf_ (const char *uplo, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda, int *info)
void scythe::lapack::dpotrs_ (const char *uplo, const int *n, const int *nrhs, const double *a, const int *lda, double *b, const int *ldb, int *info)
void scythe::lapack::dposv_ (const char *uplo, const int *n, const int *nrhs, double *a, const int *lda, double *b, const int *ldb, int *info)
void scythe::lapack::dpotri_ (const char *uplo, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda, int *info)
void scythe::lapack::dgeev_ (const char *jobvl, const char *jobvr, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda, double *wr, double *wi, double *vl, const int *ldvl, double *vr, const int *ldvr, double *work, const int *lwork, int *info)
void scythe::lapack::dsyevr_ (const char *jobz, const char *range, const char *uplo, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda, double *vl, double *vu, const int *il, const int *iu, const double *abstol, const int *m, double *w, double *z, const int *ldz, int *isuppz, double *work, int *lwork, int *iwork, const int *liwork, int *info)
void scythe::lapack::dgeqp3_ (const int *m, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda, int *jpvt, double *tau, double *work, const int *lwork, int *info)
void scythe::lapack::dormqr_ (const char *side, const char *trans, const int *m, const int *n, const int *k, const double *a, const int *lda, const double *tau, double *c, const int *ldc, double *work, const int *lwork, int *info)
void scythe::lapack::dtrtrs_ (const char *uplo, const char *trans, const char *diag, const int *n, const int *nrhs, const double *a, const int *lda, double *b, const int *ldb, int *info)
void scythe::lapack::dgesdd_ (const char *jobz, const int *m, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda, double *s, double *u, const int *ldu, double *vt, const int *ldvt, double *work, const int *lwork, int *iwork, int *info)

Detailed Description

Definitions that provide access to LAPACK/BLAS fortran routines for internal library functions.

This file provides function definitions that help provide LAPACK/BLAS support to Scythe functions. These definitions are not part of Scythe's public interface and are used exclusively from within the library.