Public Member Functions
scythe::scythe_type_error Class Reference

Matrix type error. More...

#include <scythestat/error.h>

Inheritance diagram for scythe::scythe_type_error:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for scythe::scythe_type_error:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 scythe_type_error (const std::string &file, const std::string &function, const unsigned int &line, const std::string &message="", const bool &halt=false) throw ()

Detailed Description

Matrix type error.

Library members throw this exception when a caller passes a Matrix that does not satisfy some required property to a routine. For example, Cholesky decomposition is designed to work on positive definite matrices; trying to perform Cholesky decomposition on a Matrix that does not satisfy this requirement causes this exception.

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