template<typename T_type = double, matrix_order ORDER = Col, matrix_style STYLE = Concrete>
template<typename T_iterator >
scythe::Matrix< T_type, ORDER, STYLE >::Matrix ( uint  rows,
uint  cols,
T_iterator  it 
) [inline]

Iterator constructor.

Creates a rows X cols matrix, filling it sequentially (based on this template's matrix_order) with values referenced by the input iterator it. Pointers are a form of input iterator, so one can use this constructor to initialize a matrix object from a c-style array. The caller is responsible for supplying an iterator that won't be exhausted too soon.

rowsThe number of rows in the Matrix.
colsThe number of columns in the Matrix.
itThe input iterator to read from.
See also:
Matrix(uint, uint, bool, T_type)
Matrix(const std::string&)
Matrix(const Matrix&)
Matrix(const Matrix<T_type, O, S> &)
Matrix(const Matrix<S_type, O, S> &)
Matrix(const Matrix<T_type, O, S>&, uint, uint, uint, uint)
scythe_alloc_error(Level 1)


#include <scythestat/matrix.h>
using namespace scythe;

int main ()
  double vals[16] = 
    {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16};
  // Construct a 4x4 matrix from an array of length 16
  Matrix<> A(4, 4, vals);
  // Construct a 4x4 matrix containing A's elements in reverse order
  Matrix<> B(4, 4, A.rbegin());
  // Construct the transpose of A in row-major order
  Matrix<double, Row> C(4, 4, A.begin());
  return 0;