template<typename T_type = double, matrix_order ORDER = Col, matrix_style STYLE = Concrete>
Matrix<T_type, ORDER, View> scythe::Matrix< T_type, ORDER, STYLE >::operator() ( uint  i,
const all_elements  b 
) [inline]

Returns a view of a row vector.

This operator returns a vector view of row i in this Matrix.

iThe row to view.
bAn all_elements object signifying whole vector access.
See also:
operator()(uint, uint, uint, uint)
operator()(uint, uint, uint, uint) const
operator()(all_elements, uint)
operator()(all_elements, uint) const
operator()(uint, all_elements) const
scythe_bounds_error(Level 2)


#include <iostream>
#include <scythestat/matrix.h>
using namespace scythe;

int main ()
  /* Say hello */
  Matrix<char> A(5, 7, true, ' ');

  A(_, 0) = A(_, 4) = A(_, 6) = '*';
  A(2, _) = '*';
  A(2, 5) = A(1, 6) = ' ';

  std::cout << A << "\n";

  /* Note that the lines:
   * A(_, 0) = A(_, 4) = A(_, 6) = '*';
   * A(2, _0) = '*';
   * can be consolidated into a single chain of assignments only when
   * the compiler flag SCYTHE_VIEW_ASSIGNMENT_RECYCLE is defined.
   * This is becasue the submatrix A(2, _) is not the same size as the
   * other submatrices and such a sequence of assignments will cause
   * an error under the default view assignment behavior.

  return 0;