template<matrix_order RO, matrix_style RS, typename T , matrix_order PO, matrix_style PS, typename FUNCTOR >
Matrix<T,RO,RS> scythe::nls_broyden ( FUNCTOR  fun,
const Matrix< T, PO, PS > &  theta,
unsigned int  maxit = 5000,
tolerance = 1e-6 

Solve a system of nonlinear equations.

Solves a system of n nonlinear equations in n unknowns of the form $fun(\theta^*) = 0$ for $\theta^*$.

funThe function to solve. The function should both take and return a Matrix of type T.
thetaA column vector of parameter values at which to start the solve procedure.
maxitThe maximum number of iterations.
toleranceThe convergence tolerance.
scythe_dimension_error(Level 1)
scythe_convergence_error(Level 1)
Users will typically wish to implement fun in terms of a functor. Using a functor provides a generic way in which to evaluate functions with more than one parameter. Furthermore, although one can pass a function pointer to this routine, the compiler cannot inline and fully optimize code referenced by function pointers.

References fabs(), scythe::Matrix_base< ORDER, STYLE >::isColVector(), jacfdif(), lu_solve(), max(), SCYTHE_CHECK_10, and t().