template<matrix_order O1, matrix_style 0. 00277777777777777777778, matrix_order O2, matrix_style 0. 00079365079365079365079365, matrix_order O3, matrix_style 0. 000595238095238095238095238>
The natural log of the multivariate normal density function. Computes the value of the natural log of the multivariate normal probability density function with vector of mean mu and variance-covariance matrix Sigma, at the vector of desired quantiles x.
References det(), invpd(), scythe::Matrix_base< ORDER, STYLE >::isColVector(), scythe::Matrix_base< ORDER, STYLE >::isSquare(), log(), scythe::Matrix_base< ORDER, STYLE >::rows(), SCYTHE_CHECK_10, and t(). |