template<matrix_order RO, matrix_style RS, typename T , matrix_order PO, matrix_style PS>
Matrix<T, RO, RS> scythe::t ( const Matrix< T, PO, PS > &  M)

Transpose a Matrix.

This function transposes M, returning a Matrix R where each element of M, $M_ij$ is placed in position $R_ji$. Naturally, the returned Matrix has M.cols() rows and M.rows() columns.

MThe Matrix to transpose.
scythe_alloc_error(Level 1)

References scythe::Matrix_base< ORDER, STYLE >::cols(), and scythe::Matrix_base< ORDER, STYLE >::rows().

Referenced by BFGS(), dt(), linesearch1(), lndmvn(), nls_broyden(), scythe::rng< mersenne >::rpois(), scythe::rtmvnorm< RNGTYPE >::rtmvnorm(), and scythe::rng< mersenne >::rwish().