template<matrix_order RO, matrix_style RS, typename T , matrix_order PO, matrix_style PS>
Matrix<T, RO, RS> scythe::inv ( const Matrix< T, PO, PS > &  A)

Invert an arbitrary, non-singular, square matrix.

This function returns the inverse of a non-singular square matrix, using lu_decomp() to do the necessary decomposition. This method is significantly slower than the inverse function for symmetric positive definite matrices, invpd().

AThe Matrix to be inverted.
See also:
inv (const Matrix<T,PO1,PS1>&, const Matrix<T,PO2,PS2>&, const Matrix<T,PO3,PS3>&, const Matrix<unsigned int,PO4,PS4>&)
invpd(const Matrix<T, PO, PS>&)
invpd(const Matrix<T, PO1, PS1>&, const Matrix<T, PO2, PS2>&)
scythe_dimension_error(Level 1)
scythe_conformation_error(Level 1)
scythe_type_error(Level 2)