template<matrix_order RO, matrix_style RS, typename T , matrix_order PO1, matrix_style PS1, matrix_order PO2, matrix_style PS2>
Matrix<T,RO,RS> scythe::chol_solve ( const Matrix< T, PO1, PS1 > &  A,
const Matrix< T, PO2, PS2 > &  b 

Solve $Ax=b$ for x via backward substitution, using Cholesky decomposition.

This function solves the system of equations $Ax = b$ via backward substitution and Cholesky decomposition. A must be a symmetric positive definite matrix for this method to work. This function calls cholesky() to perform the decomposition.

AA symmetric positive definite matrix.
bA column vector with as many rows as A.
See also:
chol_solve(const Matrix<T,PO1,PS1>&, const Matrix<T,PO2,PS2>&, const Matrix<T,PO3,PS3>&)
cholesky(const Matrix<T, PO, PS>&)
lu_solve (const Matrix<T,PO1,PS1>&, const Matrix<T,PO2,PS2>&, const Matrix<T,PO3,PS3>&, const Matrix<T,PO4,PS4>&, const Matrix<unsigned int, PO5, PS5>&)
lu_solve (Matrix<T,PO1,PS1>, const Matrix<T,PO2,PS2>&)
scythe_alloc_error(Level 1)
scythe_null_error(Level 1)
scythe_conformation_error(Level 1)
scythe_dimension_error(Level 1)
scythe_type_error(Level 2)
scythe_alloc_error(Level 1)